Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Uncle Marcos' First Entry, and Coming Soon: The Adventures of Spider-Marcos

Many of my friends have no problem remembering back to the days past when I was a very avid, and quite humorous, blogger. Well, as much as I've considered picking up where I left off I don't really seem to have the humor thing down anymore. Sure, I could continue ranting about how awful the world of pop culture, politics, and society in general are... But do you really want to read about that? (Answer: Probably yes). But that's not why I'm here! Instead, I'd like to take a little time to talk about the little things in my life that make it interesting for me, and hopefully we'll have some laughs along the way. Will I still blog about things that annoy the heck out of me? YES (maybe)! You'll just have to stick around and find out.

Lately I have been blessed with the company of my older brother, his wife, and his two children, all of whom typically live in Maine, but are here in Texas on vacation. Since they've been here I've learned that as an uncle I have a very important responsibility to my nieces. Among said responsibilities is teaching them how to say "Gig 'Em Aggies" while sticking their thumbs out (which is increasingly important because my family is comprised of longhorns), teaching them who the good guys and bad guys are in Star Wars, and of course demonstrating the proper way to wield a lightsaber. Hopefully the lessons learned this week will last a lifetime, because let's face it, when is knowing how to wield a lightsaber NOT going to be useful?

That's right, it'll ALWAYS be useful
Anyone who has ever read one of my blogs knows that I like to use as many funny pictures as possible, and I have no shortage of funny pictures simply because I am always on the internet. I'm typically not ashamed to use a funny picture for absolutely no reason other than the fact that it's funny. This is one of those times. BEHOLD:

Source: Sportacus

Lastly, I'd just like to say that my friends can be big jerks sometimes. A few days ago some spider thought it would be a rather good idea to chill on and around my bed, resulting in him biting me on the arm in hopes that he'd scare away the giant, snoring creature or that he'd have the best meal he's ever had. Either way, I was bitten by a spider in my sleep, bringing the number of possibly poisonous things that have attacked me in my sleep up to a total of two. Unfortunately for me, the bite became infected, and some major swelling ensued. After seeing the doctor I had to take 8 antibiotics a day, and apply ice and heat to my wound. Of course, seeing as my friends are... well.... my friends, they laughed and made fun of me for the fact that I couldn't hang out with them at the time because I was busy icing my spider bite. I think they were under the impression that a spider bite is essentially the equivalent of a butterfly landing gently on your shoulder.Of course, once I showed them that the swelling had gotten so bad it looked like my arm decided to grow a tomato, they felt a little bad about their comments. Still, what jerks, right? Oh well, with great spider bite comes great responsibility.

Everybody gets one
Thanks for reading! I'll post another entry...whenever.

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