6. Crazy birth rate
In the Pokemon cartoon series Pokemon hospitals are run with the help of Nurse Joy, and Police Stations are run with the help of Officer Jenny. Every hospital has a Nurse Joy and every police station has an Officer Jenny. If we assume that every town in the Pokemon world has a Pokemon hospital and a police station, and we take into account that I have counted approximately 80 cities/towns in the Pokemon universe, we can see that there are at least 80 Nurse Joys and 80 Officer Jennys! While you may not think that this is a big problem, it gets worse: Every Nurse Joy looks exactly the same as every other nurse Joy and appears to be the same age. The same goes for Officer Jenny! This means that at least two very unfortunate ladies somewhere in the Pokemon world likely gave birth to 80 CHILDREN AT THE SAME TIME! Each mom had to have been bigger than the biggest Snorlax ever! According to the internet, the most babies ever born at once was ten! We're dealing with eight times that number!
Source "Excuse me, pregnant lady coming through" |
5. Team Rocket
Anyone who has watched the Pokemon cartoon or at least played a Pokemon game for themselves knows that Team Rocket is an easily disposable group of foes. Hell, I don't even remember their main goal... It goes something like: Manipulate Pokemon + Catch Ash's Pikachu = Profit? Anyways, that's far from the actual point I'm trying to make here. The point is that in real life in organized crime syndicate like Team Rocket wouldn't have bumbling idiots on their side. Instead, they'd have highly trained criminals and Pokemon trainers capable of taking over the world. Destroying an entire city would be as easy as raising a few Charizards and have them burn down the whole city. Instead of having a ten year old foil your master scheme you could use a Pokemon to kill the kid before he could do anything. Such awesome power in the wrong hands would be damn near unstoppable, and the end result would essentially be Pokemon war!
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Who here has ever tried to catch every Pokemon in a particular game? I know I've tried. There are at least 649 Pokemon now, so catching them all has definitely become quite the difficult task, but not impossible. Now let's say that you do manage to catch all 649, what are you going to do with all of them? The laws of Pokemon dictate that you can only carry six with you at a time, meaning that there are 643 Pokemon who will most likely sit in a computer forever, never to be loved. Sure, you might take one or two out every now and then as need for their special abilities arises, but that's still hundreds of Pokemon who will never again see the light of day. Even if you're a traditionalist who only believes in the first 151 Pokemon, that's still 145 Pokemon who will never get the love and attention they deserve. They'd most likely be better off living in the wild and having never met you.
Source "I swear when I get out of here I'm going to kill you all." |
3. The education system
Anyone who has truly spent time exploring the world of the Pokemon video games knows that there is a minuscule number of schools spread across the land. And what do they teach in these schools? That's right, Pokemon stuff! While this may sound totally awesome (it is pretty cool) it's not useful unless your whole life is completely devoted to Pokemon. I realize that Pokemon help with everyday aspects of life and work such serving/cooking food, washing cars, and doing all the heavy lifting and thus knowledge of Pokemon would be a useful tool, but you have to remember that they're only Pokemon. While they may possess amazing powers compared to our own they are not capable of the advanced thought that we are, for the most part. There still needs to be schools that teach math, science, language, and other things that are useful to a life without Pokemon. If no one goes to school, who is going to do science?!
Source These guys will do all the science. |
2. Gotta Eat 'Em All!
As far as I am aware the only animals in the Pokemon world are the Pokemon themselves. While this too sounds like it would be really cool, you also have to realize that we humans kill and eat animals every single day. We also pollute their water and cut down their forests, among other things. Think of how awesome and cute your Pikachu is. Now imagine the restaurant owner setting mouse traps to stop that Pikachu from getting into his kitchen. Think of all the Miltanks that died for your hamburger. Even if you're a vegetarian you'll probably find a Bulbasaur in your salad or something. Unless people in the Pokemon world eat rice and beans all day then there's probably countless slaughtering of cute Pokemon on a daily basis.
Source Oh the horror! |
1. The health care
"Wait a minute Marcos," you might find yourself saying "there are Pokemon hospitals in every city, and they're free to use!" That is absolutely correct imaginary person I'm using to make a point, but how many HUMAN hospitals have you ever seen in the Pokemon universe? If your answer was a very low number, possibly zero, then you are absolutely correct. With the Pokemon battles that tend to happen every two minutes in the Pokemon universe it's highly likely that a trainer will be injured in some form or fashion. Considering that almost every person in the universe carries multiple creatures that are capable of killing a human being in a heartbeat, there should be a human hospital on nearly every corner. If not, then let's hope that Pokemon remedies work on you too.
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Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it! I'm always looking for suggestions on what to write so feel free to share!